

International Olympic Committee

组织领域:文化与体育 总部:Paris, France

组织性质:政府间 是否有驻华办事处:

官方网站: https://www.olympic.org



Acting as a catalyst for collaboration between all parties of the Olympic family, from the National Olympic Committees (NOCs), the International Sports Federations (IFs), the athletes, the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs), to the TOP partners, broadcast partners and United Nations agencies, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) shepherds success through a wide range of programmes and projects. On this basis it ensures the regular celebration of the Olympic Games, supports all affiliated member organisations of the Olympic Movement and strongly encourages, by appropriate means, the promotion of the Olympic values.


When he announced in Paris, on a winter's evening in 1892, the forthcoming re-establishment of the Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin was applauded, but nobody at the time imagined the scale of the project entailed by reviving the ancient Olympic Games, appointing a committee in charge of organising them and creating an international movement. The IOC was created on 23 June 1894; the 1st Olympic Games of the modern era opened in Athens on 6 April 1896; and the Olympic Movement has not stopped growing ever since. The Olympic Movement encompasses organisations, athletes and other persons who agree to be guided by the principles of the Olympic Charter. Its composition and general organisation are governed by Chapter 1 of the Charter. The Movement comprises three main constituents:

The IOC: the supreme authority of the Movement;
The International Federations (IFs): these are international non-governmental organisations administering one or several sports at world level and encompassing organisations administering such sports at national level (More information about IFs).
The National Olympic Committees: their mission is to develop, promote and protect the Olympic Movement in their respective countries. The NOCs are the only organisations that can select and designate the city which may apply to organise Olympic Games in their respective countries. In addition, they alone can send athletes to the Games. (More information about NOCs)
The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practised without discrimination of any kind, in a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.

The Olympic Movement is defined also by the numerous activities in which it engages, such as:
Promoting sport and competitions through the intermediary of national and international sports institutions worldwide.
Cooperation with public and private organisations to place sport at the service of mankind.
Assistance to develop "Sport for All".
Advancement of women in sport at all levels and in all structures, with a view to achieving equality between men and women.Help in the development of sport for all.
Opposition to all forms of commercial exploitation of sport and athletes.
The fight against doping.
Promoting sports ethics and fair play.
Raising awareness of environmental problems.
Financial and educational support for developing countries through the IOC institution Olympic Solidarity.

